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Frigel Plastpol2024 News Main Cover
Kunststoff | 06/05/2024
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Ort: Kielce, Poland
Datum: 21 - 24 May
Stand: E25

Frigel @Plastpol 2024

International Fair of Plastics and Rubber Processing

Come and visit us at PLASTPOL 2024 in Kielce Poland from 21th till 24th of May.

We will be with our Partner KANITECH. During this year event we will present our important innovations in process cooling systems and thermal control solutions for Plastics. Frigel booth E25.

  • New 4DK Adiabatic Cooler (centralized closed-circuit adiabatic cooling system designed to replace the old cooling tower technology).
  • Microgel RSY Syncro (allows an important increase of productivity up to +60%)
  • New 3PR 4.0 control system (complete real-time control of the entire cooling system (parameters, functions, alarms etc.)
  • A wide range of upgraded models: Microgel RSM / RSD provides an optimised mechanical design, increased reliability and a wide range of options. Powerful pumps and precise temperature control up to 90°C ensure long-term high performance and product quality improvement with minimal cycle cooling time.
  • Thermogel TDK upgrated model (Pressurized water temperature control units with direct cooling up to 120 °C 

Lets check together with our engineers how we can make your cooling system more energy efficient, help you to boost your productivity and improve sustainability.

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