Loader Frigel


Industrial Chiller - HVP

HVP: a true air cooled Package Unit range designed for challenging applications

The HVP Industrial Chiller range offers a variety of customizable configurations designed for medium and high-capacity industrial applications. With cooling capacities ranging from 145 to 600 kW, the HVP series ensures flexibility for various industrial needs, delivering reliable performance even in challenging environments with a wide ambient temperatures range.

To further enhance adaptability, the chillers are available in multiple hydraulic configurations, ensuring seamless system integration.

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Efficient and sustainable

  • Sustainability & Compliance: Designed to support the industry's transition to lower GWP refrigerants while maintaining high operational efficiency.

  • Non-Flammable Refrigerant Solution: The use of non-flammable refrigerants provides a significant advantage by offering greater safety, reliability, and reduced compliance costs, making it a more cost-effective and secure solution for industry.

  • Performance & Flexibility: Covering a wide range of cooling capacities to meet diverse industrial needs, with both screw and scroll compressor options available.

  • Ease of Installation: The HVP units come fully factory-assembled and tested, ensuring fast deployment and minimal setup requirements.

  • Seamless Integration: Compatible with existing cooling infrastructures, including Frigel’s 3PR 4.0 control systems, for enhanced performance and monitoring capabilities.


HVP: a true packaged chiller

  • Equipped with high-efficiency screw compressors (R513A version) that provide infinite capacity modulation and exceptional reliability, as well as scroll compressors (R407C/R410A). The HVP range guarantees optimal energy efficiency.

  • The HVP chillers can be easily incorporated into modular central cooling systems and free cooling solutions such as 3DK and 4DK. The design simplifies installation and startup, making HVP the ideal solution for efficient industries.

  • Microchannel condensers – Enhance heat transfer efficiency and reduce refrigerant charge for optimal performance.

  • Evaporators in two configurations – Shell-and-tube and brazed plate.

  • Fans in two configurations – Available in EC brushless fans, and AC fans for reliable performance in standard applications.

  • Flexible hydraulic configurations – Options include pressurized tanks, vented tanks, and integrated pumps for seamless system integration.

  • Compressors circuit section semi-enclosed, protected by 3 sides panel structure, easily removable for service activities.

  • The Unit Control Panel is equipped with a dedicated user interface and an advanced logic control board, designed for optimal user experience and operational efficiency.

Obszary aplikacji

Industrial Chiller - HVP dla twojej branży

Plastik Frigel


Chłodzenie zsynchronizowane z procesem: Innowacja w przemyśle tworzyw sztucznych

  • Skrócenie czasu chłodzenia.
  • Lepsza jakość formowanych elementów
  • Doskonała powtarzalność oraz obniżone koszty i wpływ na środowisko.
Chłodzenie przetwórstwa napojów zintegrowane systemy chłodzenia Frigel


Chłodzenie zsynchronizowane z procesem. Zmiana stereotypowego myślenia w branży napojów

  • Znaczący wzrost produktywności.
  • Mozliwość połączenia wielu jednostek, automatyzacja procesu przetwóczego.
  • Doskonała powtarzalność, obniżone koszty i wpływ na środowisko.
  • Brak amoniaku.
Odlewy ciśnieniowe Frigel diecasting

Chłodzenie procesowe


  • Skrócenie czasów cyklu.
  • Zmniejszenie kosztów operacyjnych przy niższym zużyciu energii, wody i konserwacji.



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