These super compact units are specifically designed for cycle cooling time reduction of high through-put applications in packaging industry for injection molding blow molding as well as extrusion applications. Optimized around the high flow rate, these units achieve highly efficient mold cooling with chilled water temperature. Constructed out of entirely non-ferrous materials to reduce the sources of corrosion and contamination that degrade process performance.
They are available in single zone (B4PM) and dual zone (B4PD) configurations. The new Turbogel B4P series is the temperature controller for all operators seeking to Improve and optimize their process.
This unique TCUs are designed for high performance mold cooling in low temperature applications, including packaging molding, closures and thin-walled containers, PET preforms, blow molding and extrusion applications.
Replacing the direct cooling from central chillers, these units reduce cooling cycle time of processes running with chilled water by highly increasing the heat transfer efficiency of the mold, obtaining productivity boost between 10 and 25%.